Labour candidate meets local mission-led business experts

Ahead of the General Election on 4 July, Labour’s Northampton South candidate Mike Reader met with Future Economy Alliance supporters and local mission-led business experts.

Mr Reader met Dan Gregory from Future Economy Alliance partner Social Enterprise UK and members of the West Northamptonshire Social Enterprise Towns network, alongside Professor Richard Hazenberg who leads the University of Northampton’s Institute for Social Innovation and Impact.

Mr Reader said: “We discussed the many challenges facing businesses with purpose, many of which align with my own experience - difficult bidding processes, clients seeking cheapest cost not best value and excessive red tape. I'm pleased our manifesto commits to support and grow this sector, alongside cooperatives and small business.”

One example of a social enterprise in the constituency is the Northampton Hope Centre. It began as a voluntary soup kitchen in 1974 and has since developed a support model to help people out of hardship and empower them to sustain stability. The team delivers this successfully by working closely with West Northampton Council, local NHS and housing agencies, as well as other support and advisory services.

Northampton Hope Centre is a supporter of the Future Economy Alliance: a nationwide movement of social enterprises and other mission-led organisations, contributing billions to GDP and employing around four million people, meaning the sector represents a significant voter base on 4 July.

Lindsey Frodsham