Mission-led business for a mission-led government

With a decisive majority, the Labour Party has been elected on a platform of change – and delivering economic growth is top of the agenda for this new government.

How economic prosperity is achieved matters. Growth cannot be built on exploiting workers, degrading the environment, or concentrating wealth, if it’s going to deliver the social change also central to Labour’s election platform.

A stronger, greener, fairer economy needs a diverse business ecosystem, levelling the playing field for businesses that invest in their communities and use profits for purpose to benefit people and planet.

The Future Economy Alliance’s Business Plan for Britain sets out how Keir Starmer’s new government can harness the power of social enterprises, co-operatives, employee-ownership, mutuals and community-owned businesses to deliver on its manifesto commitments to the nation.

Alliance Chair Arvinda Gohil OBE commented: “It’s exciting to welcome a mission-led government that has committed to supporting mission-led business models. We look forward to working together with the new Cabinet and civil service colleagues on the bold reforms needed to build an economy where all of society profits.”

Emily Darko from Alliance partner Social Enterprise UK said: “Our research provides a compelling evidence base for the impact of mission-led businesses, which can help solve the many complex challenges facing our new government. We’re excited to work with our new political leaders to unleash this potential and fix our economy for generations to come.”

Bethan Webber from Alliance partner Cwmpas continued: “We were pleased to see the aim to double the UK’s co-operative and mutuals sector in the UK Labour manifesto, building on the success we have already seen in Wales. It’s time to put these models at the heart of our economic strategy – empowering workers and communities to find solutions to the stark challenges we face. We will continue our work with Governments in Wales and Westminster as we seek to build a stronger, greener, and more co-operative economy.”

Chris Cowcher from Alliance partner Plunkett UK added: “We look forward to working with the new government, which has committed its support for mission-led businesses. On behalf of the rural community-owned business sector, working in partnership with others, Plunkett will seek to represent our members across Government so that this impactful movement continues to grow UK-wide.”

Ailbhe McNabola from Alliance partner Power to Change said: “With a new government comes a fresh opportunity to back community business. We know community businesses deliver for people and place and will be vital to the success of Labour’s plans for mission-led government - reimagining our high streets and building the next generation of community-owned energy projects. We look forward to working with the Labour government to unlock the investment community businesses need to thrive.”

And Seb Elsworth from Alliance partner Access – the Foundation for Social Investment said: “Real and lasting change happens when government and communities work together – we stand ready to support the new government as they look to jump-start growth and deliver on their five missions. Charities and social enterprises are central to this – not least in removing barriers to growth through addressing long-term unemployment, tackling poverty, and supporting communities to adapt to climate change. A key early opportunity for the new Government is to quickly allocate the next wave of Dormant Assets funding so that we can continue to finance vital community organisations. We were also pleased to see a senior Labour figure propose new ways to channel more private, philanthropic, and public money into investments which improve people’s lives across the UK and look forward to developing these ideas further.”

Chief Executive of the Employee Ownership Association (EOA), James de le Vingne, said: “We are committed to supporting the new government to grow mission-led businesses. We look forward to working with the new cabinet, alongside the representative Trade Associations, to unlock the full potential of the Government’s manifesto pledge to double the size of the Co-operatives and Mutuals Sector, and, to dial up the impact of a thriving employee ownership sector.

Alexandra Birtles CEO of In Good Company added “A new government brings a new opportunity to rebuild an economy which works for people, planet and our communities. Mission-led businesses are working hard to achieve this, day in, day out, and we welcome Labour’s commitment to grow this vital sector. This election reinforces that business as usual isn’t working and we stand ready to work with the Labour government to unleash its full potential for good.”


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