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Policy vision paper: A new business plan for Britain

Business as usual isn’t meeting the needs of people or planet; the pioneering minority of mission-led businesses must become the norm.

Purpose-driven business is a growing force in the UK economy, but it must be actively promoted as the mainstream way of working, through policies that encourage all businesses to drive social or environmental benefits alongside profits.

This is the future of business.

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Policy vision paper: Partnership state

From healthcare to housing and energy to water, our public services are struggling to meet demand and maintain quality, and private providers are profiteering from state-funded contracts while failing to provide adequate public services.

Social businesses can work in partnership with the public sector to deliver better quality and value for money, re-investing profits to improve services and reduce costs.

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Policy vision paper: Climate, net zero and nature

With the UK’s net zero efforts described as ‘worryingly slow’ by the Climate Change Committee, we can’t rely on Government alone to tackle the growing environmental crisis; business must help shift behaviour and find greener ways of working at scale.

Mission-led business models are driving green solutions to address the climate challenge, creating positive impact for people and planet.

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Policy vision paper: Local power

While the “levelling-up” agenda has lost momentum, the UK is held back by entrenched inequalities, leaving many people and places feeling overlooked and underserved.

Devolution can shift political power, but devolving local economic power can give communities a chance to build their own better futures. We need more businesses run in communities, by communities and for communities.

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